current Guests

of the International Populism Research Network

Luciana Villas Bôas

Luciana Villas Bôas is a Professor in the Department of Anglo-Germanic Languages at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and at the Graduate Program of Germanic Languages at the University of São Paulo. Her research investigates the interaction between concepts and images of power, concentrating on the literature and intellectual history of the early modern period. She also works on the public memory of colonialism and the political iconography of the present.

Storming Parliamentary Buildings in Germany, the US and Brazil: A Comparative Study in the Political Iconology of the Present 

Storming Parliamentary Buildings in Germany, the US and Brazil:
A Comparative Study in the Political Iconology of the Present 
Developed with the support of her host at the CAU, Prof. Paula Diehl, and funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, her current project approaches the storms of the Reichstag in 2020, the US Capitol in 2021 and the Brazilian Congress in 2023 as interrelated events that mounted an attack on the spatial and temporal configuration of democracy. Broadcast on the stage of a globally networked public sphere, they have produced what Aby Warburg has aptly called Schlagbilder, images that have the power to synthesize and intervene in our present political situation. The performative scripts and symbolic repertoires that characterize the storms in Berlin, DC and Brasília invite comparison. Yet there have been surprisingly little attempts at treating them as interconnected events. This research proposal aims at exploring the symbolic outlook and the political meaning of the storms in Berlin, DC and Brasília from an iconographic and iconological perspective. It seeks to examine the material form of their political iconography and thereby shed light on their historicity and intelligibility. Moreover, by approaching the events as synthesizing images, as Schlagbilder, capable of making statements about the established institutional order, the project hopes to gain insight into the symbolic means that shape political action and inflect the contemporary political imaginary.

Mattias Lehtinen

Mattias Lehtinen is a Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Practical Philosophy at the University of Helsinki in Finland. From January to December 2025, he is a visiting scholar at the Political Theory, History of Ideas and Political Culture section at Kiel University. His visit is funded by the The Osk. Huttunen Foundation. His current research investigates the imaginary foundations of political rationality with a special interest in the imaginary foundations of right-wing populist political rationality. He works mainly with continental political philosophy, critical theory as well as with post-phenomenological thought applied to political imagination, radical democracy, political ontology, polarization and antidemocratic political pathologies. 
He is currently working on a postdoctoral research project entitled "Political Imagination and the Crisis of Political Rationality" which aims to redescribe political rationality as a facet of political imagination and diagnose current political polarization in liberal democracies as a result of a deepening splintering in the way we imagine political reality. The project aims also to consider the ways in which political rationality, understood as emanating from shared political imagination, could be reconstructed and reconciled with democratic values and political pluralism without imposing monovalent, dominating or oppressive forms of political rationality. 

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