Internationales Netzwerk für Populismusforschung

über das netzwerk

Das Internationale Netzwerk für Populismusforschung ist am Arbeitsbereich Politische Theorie, Ideengeschichte und Politische Kultur der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU Kiel) angesiedelt. Es bietet eine Plattform für den internationalen Austausch und die Initiierung von Publikations- und Forschungsprojekten zum Thema Populismus.

Inhaltlich widmet sich das Internationale Netzwerk für Populismusforschung neuen theoretischen, qualitativen und quantitativen Ansätzen, um das Phänomen des Populismus weltweit zu untersuchen.


Über die Politikwissenschaft hinaus öffnet sich das Netzwerk für weitere Disziplinen aus den Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften wie die Soziologie, Philosophie, Kultur-, Medien- und Literaturwissenschaften, Ethnologie, Visual Studies, Performance Studies, Rechts- und Geschichtswissenschaften.


Das Internationale Netzwerk für Populismusforschung organisiert wissenschaftliche Veranstaltungen (in Präsenz und Online) an der CAU und in Kooperation mit Partnerinstitutionen. Dazu gehören wissenschaftliche Konferenzen, Workshops und Panels bei nationalen und internationalen Fachtagungen, internationale Kooperationen in der Lehre sowie Veranstaltungen für eine breitere Öffentlichkeit.


Das Internationale Netzwerk für Populismusforschung führt eigene Forschungsprojekte durch und unterstützt Promotions- und Post-Doc-Projekte.


Das Netzwerk erarbeitet seine Forschungsergebnisse in Form von wissenschaftlichen Publikationen und macht die zentralen Arbeiten der Partner*innen sichtbar.


Das Internationale Netzwerk für Populismusforschung engagiert sich auch in der Kommunikation mit einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit.


Demokratie quo vadis? Die extreme Rechte und der Populismus in Frankreich, Italien und Deutschland

Podiumsdiskussion mit Paula Diehl (CAU Kiel), Marc Lazar (Centre d’Histoire) und Luc Rouban (CEVIPOF)
Datum: Montag, 25. November 2024
Zeit: 14:00 – 16:45 Uhr 
Ort: Sciences Po, Amphithéâtre Erignac
13 rue de l’Université, Paris
Verbindliche Anmeldung unter:


Continuity and Innovation of the Far Right: Practices, Symbols and Discourses

Date: 16 and 17 January 2025
LocationHamburg Institute for Social Research, Mittelweg 36, 20148 Hamburg
  • Political Theory, History of Ideas and Political Culture Section at Kiel University
  • International Populism Research Network at Kiel University
In the 21st century, the far right has established itself as a significant political and cultural force in many contemporary societies. Far-right parties, organizations and groups have increasingly gained influence within the areas of organized politics, media discourse, every day and popular culture. This process of mainstreaming and normalizing far-right politics has a longer history that goes back at least to the emergence of the new right in the 1960s and 1970s. Over the past years, however, the strategic and discursive repertoire of the far right has undergone significant changes that need to be considered in order to make sense of its current rise to power. 
This workshop is dedicated to this relationship between continuity and innovation. Bringing together international scholars from a wide range of disciplines, it puts a particular emphasis on historical, transnational and intersectional research perspectives. It thus provides new insights into the material, symbolic, imaginary and discursive transformations of contemporary far-right collective action in different nation-state contexts.
With contributions by Valentin Behr, Luciana Villas Bôas, Gideon Botsch, Giorgia Bulli, Paula Diehl, Karl Ekeman, Christoffer Leiding Kølvraa, Mattias Lehtinen, Helge Petersen, Birgit Sauer, Christian Schwarzenegger, and Laura Wolters.
The workshop programme can be accessed here.
Note: Unfortunately, catering cannot be provided during the workshop. 

New book edited by Giuseppe Ballacci and Rob Goodman

Populism, Demagoguery, and Rhetoric in Historical Perspective

Contributors to the volume explore the significant conceptual overlaps between populism and demagoguery (such as their relation to manipulative or flattering rhetoric, and their resistance to systematic analysis), as well as their important differences (such as populism’s comparatively greater ideological content). With this wide range of connections in mind, the volume draws on diverse perspectives and methodologies in order to enrich the debate on populist politics by locating its theorization in a historical perspective.
With chapters by Giuseppe Ballacci, Rob Goodman, Arlene W. Saxonhouse, Tae-Yeoun Keum, Cary J. Nederman, Alessandro Mulieri, David Ragazzoni, Daniel Kapust, Kari Palonen, Giovanni Damele, Jan-Werner Müller, Mark Wenman, John P. McCormick, Paula Diehl and Simon Lambek.
The book was published on 24 October 2024 by Oxford University Press. For more information on the book (including access and purchase options), see:

Interview of Paula Diehl 

“Populists know how to use the media”

© 2024 LatAm Journalism Review | Photo credit: Alan Santos/Presidency of Brazil

In this interview for LatAm Journalism Review, Paula Diehl talks about the structural affinity between the populist communication of politicians like Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro and Javier Milei and the media’s selection criteria. The media become accomplices of populist actors, she argues, because populism generates public attention.

New publication of Paula Diehl and BRIGITTE BARGETZ (eds.)

The Complexity of Populism – New Approaches and Methods

Much as populism has been researched, it remains a contested notion without coherent definition and methodology, and shaped by dimensions such as ideology, communication style, discourse, mobilization, and organization. It has simultaneously mobilized emotions, produced symbols, and affected subjectivity and gender relations and can manifest itself in different ways and appear in hybrid forms, such as in the cases of Silvio Berlusconi, Hugo Chávez, and Donald Trump.

With chapters by Paula Diehl, Carlos de la Torre, Birgit Sauer, Brigitte Bargetz, Stefan Bird-Pollan, Federico Finchelstein, Giorgia Bulli, Martin Reisigl, Mojca Pajnik, Till Weber.

The book was published on July 3, 2023 and can be ordered here.

Open Access: Mojca Pajnik: Transformations of the Media Sphere. Amplifying Opportunity Structures for Populism

Open access Article

Emotion Narratives on the Political Culture of Radical Right Populist Parties in Portugal and Italy

„Emotion Narratives on the Political Culture of Radical Right Populist Parties in Portugal and Italy“. In: Politics and Governance, 2024, Vol. 12
Authors: Gianolla, C., Mónico, L., & Cruz, M. 

ZDF – MAITHINK Xperts: Populismus

Populismus in Politik und Medien

Was zeichnet populistische Rhetorik aus? Wann wird sie eine Gefahr für die Demokratie? Warum verträgt sie sich gut mit der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie der Medien? Paula Diehl spricht bei MaiThink über Populismus in Politik und Medien. 

© 2024 MaiThink ZDF


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Internationales Netzwerk für Populismusforschung
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